Monday, December 17, 2012

just loving my munchkins

My post on last Thursday sums up my kids.  They are doing things kids do this time of the year.   Layla's biggest decision daily is which earrings to wear. Your coat can't clash with your pants, you know?!  Hayden just wants to see his friends at school and wear the shoes that make him run the fastest.  

I love the innocence of kids.  I'm envious of their little minds right now.  Even though Layla is aware of the tragedy that happened in Connecticut last Friday, she is just too young and sweet to really feel unsafe.

This morning when I walked Layla to school I had a very heavy heart.  I was fighting back the tears, but didn't want her to see them.  Here we are ...  in a new town, at a new school.  I have been nervous with each and every new step and now this mornings drop off was just painful for my heart.  I hugged her so tight for a few seconds longer today.

We had a wonderful weekend and we loved every second of our time together.  I found as the weekend went on it was so painful to log onto Twitter and Facebook.  There is just so much controversy and sadness.  It was too much for me.  I'm not good with sad.  We made sure we surrounded ourselves with fun people and did fun things.  We CAN do these things and we will.  Our family will try to enjoy every second of every day and remain thankful to God for all the blessings in our lives!  

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