Happy New Year!
I spent most of the day in the kitchen. It is my favorite place to be. As you know we are renting this house. I am so excited about looking for homes to purchase here in Ohio. I'm hoping for a sweet kitchen. It seems like our family always gathers in the kitchen. Today I cooked chicken spaghetti, chicken salad, black eyed peas and cabbage. I used leftover fondue chocolate from breakfast to coat pretzels and pretzel sticks. I did all this in our small kitchen. Also it isn't open to the rest of the house, so I felt secluded. Sometimes seclusion is nice, but usually I like to be around my people. So I'm looking forward to a new kitchen this year.
I noticed on Facebook everyone is all about resolutions today. I don't have any. I just live each day the way I want. I know how to have fun and balance life. I don't really think I need to change too much about my life right now. I'm just gonna keep on keeping on!
I think every woman should have a set of four red plates for their kitchen. It is necessary in my opinion I recently broke one of my red plates and now another one is chipped. I have two left. I am on the look out for new red plates. The size of the plates I prefer are salad size. They must be microwave safe and any shade of red will do. I like to use them at Christmas, Valentine's day and Fourth of July. I know, red plates are totally random, but I just needed to be random.
Kids should be enjoyed and listened too. I think they should get to voice their opinion at anytime they want. I'm willing to listen and in our house we let the kids talk! I may not like what they have to say or agree with it, but they deserve a listening ear. Communication is key to any relationship and I hope my kids know they can talk to be about anything. Layla dropped a $25 gift card down deep back behind the cabinet. That gift card is lost forever and will never see the light of day. The owner of our home didn't put trim on the kitchen cabinets and the card just fell right down between the wall and the cabinet. She was so upset and a little scared to tell us. She knew we would be mad at her, but she told us even though she knows she did something very wrong. Gary and I are just thankful it wasn't a $250 gift card. We'd be tearing the wall down. I'm thankful for this lesson for her and myself. Hayden recently lost a gift card and we looked for it for hours. It finally turned up, but I now know my kids can't be trusted with money or plastic. LOL!
The kids have one more day off from school and then they return to class on Thursday. It's a two day week and then the weekend is here. It'll be a fun week. I am looking forward to my shows starting up again. I love my TV shows, or as my Grandma would say, "I enjoy my programs." I am ready for Parenthood tonight!
The kids are begging Gary and I to play a game with them before bed, so we are heading upstairs to play a game of Hedbanz! It is the best game and we always laugh so much!

Hehe, my mawmaw had her programs & her stories. I hadn't thought about that in a long time. Thanks for the reminder :)! I like to come up with a few goals each year. That seems to work better for me than resolutions. Although, the only goal I have right now is to feel better!! My kitchen has red accents & I absolutely love love love it. I don't have any red plates though! I wonder how that happened. I'll have to get some. Happy New Year!
I still read your blog and I've been horrible at commenting, so that is my resolution for this year...comment on friend's blogs! :) I agree about talking with kids. Sammi told me the other day that she couldn't stand her brother...I first thanked her for coming to me and being honest with me, but then we needed to talk about being kind and respectful about others, even when they annoy us. :) Do you kids have wallets? If not, got to Target and let them pick one out. As soon as they get money or gift cards, I make them put it in them immediately. They have lost stuff too. :( I love reading about your new adventures in OH!
Oh and Parenthood as always, made me cry this week! Love "that program"!
I'm pretty sure we've lost at least one gift card since Christmas too...but honestly all three of mine got $20 ones and I don't know where any of them are!
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