Monday, January 21, 2013

the end of a four day weekend

Our weekend was wonderful and fun.  We celebrated Daddy!  Tomorrow is his birthday and we did all the things he likes!  We ate steaks and ribs and I made a cookie cake.  We played Wii and watched golf.  It was a great weekend.

We had donuts at Tim Horton's and the they were delicious!

The do-nut holes are apple fritter flavored.  OMMMGGGG...they were so good!

This morning we ate bacon, eggs and left over potato casserole. 

The kids wanted to get Gary a new coffee mug, so they were giggling while he opened his gifts!  Hayden's excited face makes me laugh. 

Can you imagine how excited their faces will be in the morning when they hear the schools are on a 2 hour delay?  Apparently it is going to be 8 degrees in the morning and so the schools decided they will start late.  It is going to be super frigid in the morning!!!!!  Brrrrrr!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great way to celebrate such a great guy! I'm sure the kids were thrilled this morning :)


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