Tonight we went to a birthday party for Layla's friend Samantha. It was a really fun night for all the girls. They each got their hair styled however they wanted. Some girls asked for curls and others asked for braids. The also got their nails painted any color they desired. And of course they sang Happy Birthday and ate cake and ice-cream. After seeing and hearing how much the girls loved it I think this is a wonderful birthday party idea!
The birthday girl got her nails done first.
The girls had fun watching each other get their spa treatments!
Layla picked a lovely shade of purple for her nails.
Layla asked for curls!
Her feather earrings are killing me. She is just too sassy!
They are singing to Samantha. It was such a sweet sight!
Ice cream in a beauty seat? I think so!
I need to learn to do this. Layla has commented on her hair at least 25 times since we got home. Hayden and daddy ooohhhh'd and ahhhhh'd over their pretty girl! It was so sweet!
The girls got jump ropes in their swag bags, so they were jumping rope in the salon.
Here is one final glance at Layla Kate's hair. She added the pink braid and was very proud!
I think a spa party is at the top of Layla's birthday party idea list. She is very excited and anxious for July. haha! She has quite the wait!

That's an awesome party idea! I can tell she had a blast!
That party looks like a blast!
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