I can't believe it has been over a month since we brought Lily home. She is just as snugly and sweet today as she was when we got her. I'm so thankful for her sweet little personality and loving heart. She is so gentle and kind with the kids.
She went to the vet last week. I think the doctor kinda liked her! Lily was showing off her skills and listened and sat down on command. She is such a people pleaser! She is about 3 1/2 months old and weighs 14.6 pounds. It is so weird to carry her and then carry Daisy. Lily is stout and thick. Daisy is a little dainty princess. I can't wait to see how big Lily gets, but the vet seemed to think she'd be a smaller sized lab. Only time will tell!
Lily is really learning her place in our home. When we leave the house during the day she goes right into her crate when we say "cage up." She sleeps every night in one of the dog beds on the floor in our bedroom. We decided not to crate her at night and she is adjusting well to sleeping in our room. She needed outside many times a night in the first few weeks, but now she is doing much better. She will use a potty pad that lays on the floor at night if she has to go really bad. Usually she will whine when she needs out. All in all she is doing great in the potty department. She will sit by the backdoor or whine if she needs out. She hasn't destroyed anything in our house. She plays with her toys and loves to chew on bones, but so far the only thing she chewed up was my laptop cord. Hopefully we can keep our things out of her sight so she doesn't get tempted.
Lily loves this rug in the kitchen. She is always laying there and knows we spend a ton of time in the kitchen. Sometimes she is in the way, so I'll just move her around on the rug. ha! Layla picked out her leopard print and pink collar at Old Navy. It fits her personality perfectly!
One weekend morning all 6 of us were piled in our bed. It was full of kids and dogs and tons of giggles. I love how the pups are about the same size in the picture above, but soon Lily will tower over Daisy. They are best buds. It took Daisy awhile to really warm up to Lily. Daisy didn't even want Lily to touch her, but now they wrestle and play fight all the time. When they play it sounds terrible, like dogs are fighting and tearing their ears off, but they are just having fun.
We have a few patches of grass in the backyard and they love to tumble around back there. As you know I am not the biggest fan of our house, but I love the fenced backyard. I can leave them outside to play on nice days with no worries! It seems like most yards with lots of room to roam don't have fences.
We're trying to take Lily for walks as much as possible to get her adjusted to a leash. I didn't do this with Daisy and now we need to leash train them both. Lily is catching on and doesn't pull too bad. One morning I decided to walk them both and sheesh, it was wild. We have some work to do in this department!
Lily seems to catch on to simple commands and now she knows to sit if she wants our attention. She will burn holes in us with her eyes when she just gazes at us. We have been working on 'sit' and 'shake' and I really want to teach her to be gentle as she gets bigger. I don't want the kids friends to be afraid of her. I know kids get scared when a dog jumps up on them, and Callaway was so bad about jumping on our house guests. Hopefully we can tame her from jumping when she's excited. I know consistency in training will pay off!
These pictures really show off her black coat, but sometimes in the sunlight she looks really brown. She has the neatest coloring. We love those white paws and the tip of her tail is white paint dipped!
It is safe to say this little stinker has stolen our hearts! She is such a fun little pup and we are thrilled to call her ours. We have all been watching too much Duck Dynasty and we gave her the middle name of Jack. Lily Jack. Daisy Mae and Lily Jack. It has a nice ring to it huh? Hopefully Lily Jack likes camping, because as soon as the weather gets warmer we will introduce her to our favorite activity! We know she loves water, so she will fit right in with our adventurous clan.

She is so darn cute!!
So cute!!!
That pup couldn't be any cuter!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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