Tuesday, March 5, 2013

snow and avoiding the sickies

After living in Ohio I am quite embarrassed about EVER being cold in Texas.  I am NOT complaining about the cold here in Ohio, but it is quite funny to think that we EVER needed big coats or even boots in Texas.

On a related note, I can't even look at a picture of my friends kids back home without thinking, 'Dang put a coat on those babes.'  haha!  And then I realize they aren't in Ohio, so they can wear shorts and a t-shirt in 68 degree weather.

And since I'm really into the weather it seems, we are expecting 3-8 inches of snow tonight and into tomorrow.  The weathermen here are WAY worse at guessing the weather than the weathermen in Texas.  Who knows what will happen?  All I know is I'm avoiding the grocery store because people are cray cray here when the weather gets snowy.  Yep, pretty much like in Texas too.

Check out the map.  All that business is heading towards us. Good grief!

As you know, I've had the stomach bug and so has Gary and both kids.  After the Masquerade ball it seems like everyone I know got the stomach bug too.  It's crazy.  Really crazy.  At least 3 couples have flu like symptoms and two of my new besties are really sick right now.  I keep finding out about more people sick with the bug.  It really is the #stomachbugof2013  It's taken over the whole town.  I'm scared I'm gonna get it again.  Nooooooo!  I've been scrubbing and cleaning the house like crazy just in case!  Today after I dropped Hayden off at preschool I had lunch with Gary and then I came home and cleaned and played with Lily.  She is a wild woman and I don't get to play with her much because the kids usually hog her up!

I have had several people ask me about how she is doing and what is going on in the potty training department.  I'll try to devote a post to her later this week or next week.  She really is doing great.  As many of you know we had a little boy puppy named Bogey.  Well,  he was possessed.  He is the reason I waited so long to get another dog.  She is NOTHING like him and I have never been more thankful!  She is a sweet girl and she is learning the rules of our house quite nicely.

And this is where I write a nice closing sentence or paragraph to end this blog post.  Sometimes I'm so terrible at wrapping up my posts.  Oh well, I never said I was a professional writer and I'm sure I have spelling errors and even grammatical errors from time to time.  What you see is what you get  from me.  Sometimes I write fast and furiously so I can stop the puppy from chewing up her toy basket.  Other times I have go look at the mega block creations the kids have made in the playroom.  Right now I have to cook sloppy joes for dinner because the kids requested them.  They have asked me 458 times when dinner is going to be ready, so I guess I should go cook huh?!

I'm out!

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote a blog post about how we've avoided sickness this season! I started using doTERRA essential oils. I was so skeptical but... I haven't been sick once and I ALWAYS get sick. So anyway I put up a few testimonies from using them.

    Your pup is so cute!

    And can I just say a huge amen about the crazy shopping?! We had two huge snowstorms drop snow on us about a week apart. Each time we needed groceries bad (leave it to us to do it the day before snowstorms!). Shelves were literally going bare and people were acting like nut jobs. I just wanted to do my regular shopping, LOL! I even got HIT WITH A CART really hard (I'm pregnant) and the lady didn't even apologize, just backed up and went around me.


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