A little word of warning though...
Don't leave your iPhone laying on the table unattended. Your friends just might update your Facebook status with random crazy-ness. It was too funny to delete. Haha!

Gary is quite certain I've done an Irish Car Bomb shot in the past. Honestly I don't think I have, but I did Saturday. Wow! It was good, but bad. It is Guiness beer with a floater of Jamison's Irish whiskey and Bailey's Irish cream. You must drink it fast or the hole drink turns into a mess. Pssshhhh and yuck! It was such a fun night!

We had a green appetizer of fried pickles. Whoever thought to fry a pickle? I'd kiss them right on the mouth if I met them. Fried pickles are a favorite of mine! I'd never had a fried spear until I moved here. Usually we eat fried hamburger sliced pickles, but hey, a pickle is a pickle and a fried pickle is even better!
If you follow Just Shy of a Y on Facebook you've already seen our breakfast from this morning, so sorry for the duplicate. And if you don't follow on FB go do it. I'm digging FB right now. I go through phases where I like Twitter or Instagram more, but I've loved following some of my favorite blogs in my Facebook feed! Ok...enough of that on to the picture.

The kids woke up searching the house for a Leprechaun. It was fun to see them setting up a shoebox to catch said Leprechaun. Hayden's school did a great job of getting him all excited about St. Patty's Day. The kids loved our green eggs, green pancakes and green chocolate milk. We had bacon too of course, and that was basically the end of our food making for the day. We ended up skipping lunch and eating giant cheeseburgers for dinner.
We were quite lazy most of the day and it felt great. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna sound like a nerd, but I'm addicted to Candy Crush. I'm stuck on level 20 something. It's killing me. See. I told you I sound nerdy, but I love the game. Every once in awhile I find a fun game on my phone and it sucks me in. Candy Crush is fun, you need to play. You're welcome!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
How fun! Your IG pictures had me jealous that I wasn't out on the town. Ha so I made the husband a green beer and called it a win. We made green pancakes too! Glad you had a good weekend!
i couldn't bring myself to tint our food...haha
as for the pickles...yes we only seem to do pickle slices here huh...i guess the OH ppl do it diff
glad they were still good
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