Thursday, April 25, 2013

Nature field trip!

Hayden's preschool class has the best field trips!

Yesterday the kids got to go to the Ohio River Wildlife Refuge.  Each child got a magnifying glass to enable them to get up close and personal with plants, bugs and rocks.

Hayden had a ball!

He acted as if he'd never seen a dandelion..

The kids got to see a bird nest in a tree.

The got to see milkweed and it was defiantly different than the milkweed in Texas.

We hiked down to the river and that is the point I was ready to leave because ticks were falling from the trees.  YUCK!  I love to camp and be outdoors, but I was afraid of the ticks.

We hiked back up to the main area and Hayden fell in love with this giant boat.

Once we got inside the building the kids got to watch fish and turtles eat lunch.  It was really fun for the kids to see a snapping turtle eat a giant worm.  I think we all had a fun time, minus the ticks!  Hayden and I love being outside and he told me this trip made him excited about camping this summer!

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