Today was Hayden's first soccer practice. He has been looking forward to playing soccer for years, but Gary and I didn't want to start him until after he turned four. He asked to play when we lived in Texas, but it just worked out better for us to start him here this spring once we moved.
The little guy was so excited. I didn't even have to ask him to get ready for practice. I looked up from helping Layla with homework and he already had on his shin guards and he was asking me for help finding his socks. He put on his soccer cleats and then asked me to tie them. He grabbed his ball and was ready to roll!
I wasn't sure how he would do at practice. The attention span of a four year old isn't very long. He really listened to his coach and seemed to understand what he was saying. He followed directions very well, but sometimes he got a little side tracked. All in all he seemed very focused. Towards the end of practice he told me he didn't like the game they were playing. I reminded him that practice was almost over and he ran back to the field and finished up.
And of course....
I was THAT mom....
My camera in my hands and I was clicking away.
I love taking pictures of my kiddos and I don't see me stopping anytime soon!
I guess he got hot because he took his jacket and hat off and headed back onto the field!
This is Hayden's serious face. Tongue over to the side. It cracks me UP!
After practice we jumped in the car fast to go get Layla from her dance class. Hayden was jibber-jabbering all about practice and how he thought practice was okay and that his game on Saturday will be even better!
I wish I could explain how great it felt to be outside. I was a bit cold towards the end of the practice, but I could see the sun setting. GAhhhh! I love to see the sun set. I loved not seeing buildings all around me. I loved the fresh air. In the down-town-ish area we live we don't get to see all the wide open area like at the soccer fields. It was awesome! The weather is warmer and I am thankful, but I'm ready for higher temps and lots of outdoor activities. Being outside is awesome and I crave that fresh air.
Thursday nights are our crazy run around wild nights. Both kids have activities and so they ate cheeseburgers from Wendy's for dinner. (I got the apple pecan chicken salad and it was great!) Layla got a frosty! She lost her 7th or 8th tooth at school yesterday. If she were awake I'd ask her for sure. I'm sure she will read this and let me know if it's 7 or 8! She keeps me in line y'all!

1 comment:
I love 4 year old soccer! None of my kids play but we have watched my nephew's practice before and he takes it SERIOUSLY!
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