Tuesday, April 16, 2013

TV, pretzels, shots and homelessness

The Deadliest Catch comes on tonight again!  I'm so excited. Whoo hoo!  I've missed it.  I am hoping this season is good!  Also.....I've really enjoyed the show Dallas on TNT.  I'm gonna be so sad when the season is over.  I think there are only a few episodes left.

The kids and I had fun making pretzels for breakfast.  I found the dough in the dairy section of Aldi.  The sugar and cinnamon flavor was a hit for our clan!  The best part was creating our own shapes.  Mine is supposed to be an A, but looks like a house. ha!  Layla loved making hearts and Hayden just wanted a regular "kretzel" shape.

I love this picture of the cinnamon leftover after the pretzel baked and was devoured.  I will seriously take pictures of anything!

Lily Jack got a few shots on Monday afternoon.  She handled the shots great until we were almost home and then she got sick in my Jeep.  Yuck.  Poor pup.  We were almost.home.  I hate vaccinations, but I know they are very necessary for her health!  She is almost 4 months old and weighs in at 25 pounds.

Our little boy is officially registered for kindergarten.  He's growing up so fast and I am so proud of him.  I know he is ready for big school.  I am not quite sure which school Hayden is going to attend.  There are 3 possible schools he can attend and he aren't sure where we will be living in the fall.  It's such a nervous feeling.  I know we won't be homeless, but not knowing is scary.

Our house in Texas is under contract.  By the end of April that chapter of our lives will close.  {fingers crossed} Our lease on the current house we are living in here expires the end of May.  It is exciting to think of the possible homes we can live in here.  I just love this little town and I can't wait to see what the future holds for our family.  I honestly have no idea what will happen!  Hey,  I didn't think I liked flying by the seat of my pants, but I know it will all work out the way it is supposed to!

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