Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Earth Day Project -- Spin Drum

The second graders at Layla's school had to do a Recycled materials Earth Day Project. 

I thought this was a great idea because it teaches the kids more about recycling.

We have recycled trash items for years and Layla always asks what is recycle-able before she throws it away.  I feel like the school does a great job helping us parents help the kids learn to recycle.  That was a mouth full! 

Layla and Gary decided to make a Spin-Drum.  They made the drum this past weekend and then tonight after regular homework Layla finished decorating the drum.  Afterwards she wrote her step by step report on how she made her drum. One of the directions for the project was the students had to have a cover letter.  I thought back to my school years and I honestly can't remember using a cover letter in second grade.  Times have changed huh?! 

I'm so proud the have helped Layla with this project.  She did an amazing job.  She remembered each step of making the drum even though it was 3 days later.

I hope she gets a great grade!

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