Saturday, May 4, 2013

Our week in Instagram pics

Monday while the kids were at school I drove all around town looking for houses.  I stopped and got this snack.  The SlimJim was yucky, but the Snapple was yummy!

Tuesday Hayden washed his golf clubs.

Wednesday we found a cute little farm house surrounded by lots of green grass and trees.  It is on a huge lot and we are in love with it!  We have 3 houses now....this new house, a rent house here in the same city and our house in Texas.  Our lease is expiring on our rent house and hopefully we will sell our house in Texas soon.  It will be so nice to have to keep up with only one house like most families.  Having multiple homes is for the birds!  I'm ready to start summertime stress free!

Thursday was our 'busy evening' day.

Hayden had soccer practice.

Layla had dance practice.  She is really loving it!  I'm so proud of her.

Friday was "Funday Friday."  I had lunch with a fun group of ladies!  We sat out by the river on a patio while the sun was blaring on us.  It was greatness!

Today I am making a simple syrup for the Mint Juleps we are drinking tonight at the Kentucky Derby/Cinco De Mayo party we are attending.  

That is our very busy week in a simple little nutshell.  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new house!! When do y'all move in?


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