Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday morning bike ride

Gary bought the kids Strider bikes last week and they have been dying to ride them.  The scenery was amazing.  Everything is budding and greening up.  It was a very beautiful stroll.

Strider bikes are basically bicycles without pedals.  They are great for teaching kids balance and preparing them to ride a motorcycle.

Gary was working on Saturday morning, so I took the kids on the route I usually run.  We had the best time on our adventure.  We stopped to tie Layla's shoe and a nice couple stopped to chat with us for a few minutes.  They were sweet to take a picture of us.

It rained the night before and so we made sure to hit every single puddle of water we saw. 

The kids had fun stopping and pushing the button for the crosswalks.

I only took my iPhone, but I need to take my big camera on our next walk.  I was in picture taking heaven, but what else is new?!?

The strider bikes are a huge hit!  I can see the kids riding them all summer long.  
Thanks daddy!

1 comment:

  1. It's so green & gorgeous!!! All that snow is paying off now!! :]


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