Friday, June 14, 2013

Foodie Friday

I'm in the cooking mood again! 

If you've known me long or followed my blog for any amount of time you know my favorite room in the house is the kitchen.

I've been wanting to cook Spicy Sausage Pasta for months, but I just didn't want to do it when I lived on 5th Street.  I wasn't a fan of the kitchen in that house.  I cooked it and it was good.  We all loved it and it was gone the next day by lunchtime.

Our new kitchen isn't my dream kitchen by any means.  BUT it is better than the other one.  Our house is a little farm house and the kitchen is totally vintage. There isn't a dishwasher. GASP! The cabinets are old, but sturdy and kinda cool looking. The range is straight from the 60's-70's.  It is going to be replaced next week because it seems to have a gas leak.

I have to be super careful when I bake in the oven and the stove top only lights whenever it wants to, but it's cool looking huh?!?

Have you ever bought a snack you think your kids won't like just so you can eat it all by yourself?  Well, I bought Gary and I Tapanade and crackers all for us and only us.  Whatever....the kids ate half the container before Gary even got home from work.  Gahhhh!  Little stinkers.

I am obsessed with sausage lately.  I love to throw it on the grill and snack on it while sitting on the back porch.  I guess that is another reason why the Spicy Sausage Pasta sounded so good.  I know it is processed and probably not so good for us, but I found a Vidalia Onion flavor at Wal-Mart.  The brand is Sam's Choice.  It is so good. Mmmmm!  Get some.

My next summer cooking adventure is to see what I can do with this Eggplant. 

I'm buying a new and interesting veggie every time I go grocery shopping.  Our family needs more veggies in our lives.  

Happy Friday!

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