Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Funday

Gary and Hayden played golf today and had an absolute blast.

I love his little red golf glove.  

Honestly I was a little worried about Hayden, but he did great for an almost 5 year old.  Gary said they went into the clubhouse after 9 holes and Hayden said, "What daddy are we done already?"   He wasn't ready to be done, so they played 9 more holes and had a fun time!

I sure do love my guys!

Layla and I spent the hole day together.  She went with me to my Zumba class and then we had lunch together.  We went to a nail salon to get pedicures, but we got annoyed and left.  We ended up going to Big-K and getting our own foot spa thingy.  We came home and gave each other pedicures.  Layla got to pick out some "Lee press-On nails" except they are modern day fake nails.  You know you remember Lee Press-On nails...haha!

She did a fine job giving me a pedicure and we had a fun time playing around and just doing girly stuff.  When the guys got home we all played in the swimming pool and double slip n slide.  The water was so freezing cold though.  I'm adjusting to the cool summer, but it is quite different than all the other June months I have experienced in the past.  We are usually hot hot hot buy now.  I'm loving the weather, but I do hope the water warms up so the kiddos can splash and play without chattering teeth! 

I hope your Monday was great!

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