Friday, June 7, 2013

Our week in Instagram pictures

I'm learning to use my new grill! Gary is teaching me well, but he is learning too. We've only used charcoal in the past, so it's fun to experiment with a new toy!

The kids are loving our large yard. An after dinner soccer game was a fun way to end Tuesday.

Wednesday we celebrated Spencer's birthday!

The kids ate cake and ice cream and swam like fishes!

Thursday and Friday were unpacking and cleaning days. It had to be done and we all feel more settled every day.

Hayden loves his Epic 3D glasses. He's special.

Layla had a fun time creating a summer fun checklist. She has even checked a few off the list this week.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing all the R O O M you have at your new house! So fun for the kiddos and dogs! Did you sell your house in Texas and get to buy this one or are you renting?
    Would love to see a tour of the new house? :0)

    The kids are so cute and definitely lovin' summer!


I love hearing from you!