Thursday, July 11, 2013

8 years old!!

Today is Layla Kate's birthday!

She is 8!

This year we stuck to our usual birthday tradition and we ate cake for breakfast.

The kids get to choose the flavor of cake they want, and Layla picked cheesecake this year.

I used a different recipe in a cheater crust and the cheesecake was spilling over the edges of the pan.  It tasted great, but I was thinking it was a little full, lotta sap...haha! Seriously.  I almost made a mess in my new oven.

Mmmmm strawberries!

Hayden loved joining Layla for cake for breakfast.

I love these birthday morning posts because I got back to years past to remember what flavor of cake they picked each year.  It's fun to see how they have grown over the year.

This year Layla asked for one gift.  She wanted a tablet.  She has proven that she is responsible enough to take care of one, so we gave her her wish!  It was awesome to see her face and the joy and excitement when she opened it!

Happy Birthday sweet girl...we love you to the moon and back!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Layla!

    In the picture with Gary, she looks just like him but in the picture with you, she looks like your mini-me! How funny!


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