Today was awesome because I got to meet one of oldest (and by oldest and mean one of my first ever) blog friends. I've wanted to meet her for years and it was just something I hoped for, but honestly I never knew if it would happen.
We met Jenn and her two handsome boys in Colombia, South Carolina. They are the nicest most genuine people! They are exactly like they seem online.
We explored at a fun place place similar to the Fort Worth museum of Science and History. (for all my TX know how cool that is.)
The kids saw butterflies fluttering around like crazy. It was Layla's favorite part!
The kids were dental assistants....
and fire fighters!
I wish I had taken more photos in the football section of the museum. The boys went wild and threw footballs rocket fast. They were dodging each other and laughing so hard. They got all hot and sweaty and it was awesome to see them get along so well.
It was a great day indeed! Thank you Jenn, for driving a bit out of your way to meet us, I hope we can make it happen again soon!

so fun!! I just love our blogging community! So awesome. oh and Next time we want in on the fun!! ;) Love you ladies!
awwww fun place!!!!
SO fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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