Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Our last day on the beach

Our last day at the beach started out a little disappointing.  A lady told us as we walked to our lounge chairs that the jelly fish were terrible.  We stood around for a bit and watched as 5 children were getting stung right in front of us.  I was scared for the kids.  I've been stung before and it is no fun!

So we headed to the pool!  

The kids had a blast jumping and splashing for a few hours.  We had a picnic lunch at the pool and decicded to head to the beach anyway.  Those silly little creatures weren't gonna ruin our last day of sand and sun.

We ended up staying at the beach for most of the afternoon.  The life guard said he treated about 50 people with jelly fish stings.  He had white wine vinegar in a spray bottle and he'd spray them to stop the burn!

Layla was so worried about the jelly fish.  She dug her own hole and filled it with water.  She had a blast!

Her own little hot-tub!

All in all we had the best trip ever!!

We have been wanting to take the kids to Hibachi for months, but we just haven't made the time.

What a better time to introduce them to great food than while on vacation!

We seriously had the best time.   The kids tasted every course of the meal, soup, salad, sushi and then of course all the good stuff.  Hayden and Gary split steak, lobster and shrimp and Layla and I split chicken, shrimp and steak. Oh my stars the chef gave me so much rice.  It was crazy, but I couldn't stop eating it.  It was the best rice ever.  The veggies are always my favorite part.  

For dessert we stopped at one of the million souvenir shops and got salt water taffy.  The kids loved it.  We are sad to say goodbye to the beach first thing in the morning, but we must head home to our pups.  Gary still has 4 days off after we get home.  We are excited about sleeping in our own bed and getting a few things done around the house.  It will be great to get caught up on laundry before Gary heads back to work on Tuesday. 

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