Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A fun visit!

The kids had fun showing their Texas buddies around town!
I'm so glad we have had visitors this summer.  First my parents and now our best buds from Waco.  Jarred and Gary have been friends since childhood.  I've known Shelby since before Jarred and Shelby were married.  I didn't get invited to their wedding and we still laugh about that story to this day.  Gary and I were friends and he was all weird about inviting me to a wedding.  He thought I'd think he wanted to get serious or something.  Anyway....

All these years and four kids all together we are all still buddies.

We explored and ate ice cream and enjoyed watching all the boats on the river! 
 Us adults also had a fun night on the town too.

We are thankful for great friends and fun memories!

***If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram this is all a bit repetitive. I love my blog and I do have readers that aren't into social media, this is for me and them! Our family blog is our scrap- book. We love looking back over the years at our adventures!***

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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