I have a short walk to school with the kids every morning. We are lucky to live very close to the school. Every morning on the walk back home I take in the every single bit of the scenery.
Mornings are crazy in our house. Kids are getting ready, eating, brushing teeth, scrambling for book bags and putting on our winter gear. Putting on the gear adds five extra minutes to the morning routine. Heck, sometimes ten extra minutes.
Sooooo when I walk home kid free I enjoy the quiet walk home before I beging my day of chores.
Today I saw this cute little baby pine cone. I can't wait to watch it grow every few weeks. I feel like we are so busy and sometimes I don't stop to enjoy the little things. I have a goal to be more present in the weeks to come, even with the chaos that the holidays bring.
This little pine cone is going to keep me grounded. Every day I see it will be my reminder!

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