Sunday, December 29, 2013

for the love of cooking and eating and eating

The holiday seasons brings out the cook and baker in me.

It also brings out the eater.

I have cooked, our friends have cooked.  I feel the need to eat everything in sight the last week or so of December.

I even made pancakes for the first time!  

I know, I know, but I burned them once years ago and never looked back.  Gary is usually the pancake maker in this house.  

We love nachos and Layla's tortellini soup was a hit!

Our favorite easy peasy lunch is meat and cheese on a Hawiian roll.  

I will never forget the cheeseburger I ate.  It was bigger than my face and oh so good.  I dream of that thing, because I am a cheeseburger LOVER!

I am giving up the fries and sweets soon though.  I am getting back to my version of clean eating.

I let myself enjoy the holidays with no worries, and now it's time to get back to working out and our normal dinner time routine!  We have been so busy and I miss our evening meals together at the table.  The new year is upon us!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Oh Oh....may I say a BIG Amen! I have been telling myself "Come Monday Jan. 6 you are back on track! This eating is out of control!"

    Good luck to US! :0)


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