Monday, December 9, 2013

sloppy joe .... sloppy sloppy joe. casserole

Somewhere floating around the internet I came upon a recipe for Sloppy Joe Casserole.  I thought it was on pinterest, but I looked on my boards and couldn't find it. Anyway,  I thought it sounded perfect for the kids.  I loved Sloppy Joe's as a child.  I loved the messy bun that falls apart while you eat it, but the clean up was awful.  Sloppy Joe casserole isn't sloppy at all, but it sure is tasty.  I've made this casserole several times, but tonight was our favorite way!

I love hiding veggies in this recipe.  Tonight I used zucchini, carrots and onions because it's what I had on hand.  You can use squash, or just about any veggie in my opinion.  The sauce of the Sloppy Joe mix makes it all taste like yummy pie.

So here is what I used:

1 carrot, chopped
1 medium zucchini, chopped
1/2 a white onion, chopped
1 pound ground turkey
1 can of Sloppy Joe sauce
2 refrigerated cans of crescent rolls 

I sauteed the chopped veggies in olive oil and set them aside.  I browned the turkey and then drained it and added the veggies and Sloppy Joe mix to the turkey.  I let it simmer for a bit while lining a greased pan with the first container of crescent rolls.  {Just smash them out flat on the bottom of a baking pan.}  Pour the warm Sloppy Joe goodness onto the crescent roll, then place the other container of crescent rolls on the top of the mix.

I baked it in a 375 degree preheated oven for about 24 minutes.  It started to look brown and I didn't want it to over cook.  I thought it would need to cook longer, but it was nice and warm and the crescents were even slightly crispy.  It was so good!!

I'm not sure why we love this so much.  The kids struggle with casseroles sometimes because they don't like all their food together, but they ate every bite.  I'm happy they got veggies without me having to MAKE them eat them.

It's such a great meal for a cold winter night!

1 comment:

  1. I make sloppy joes for Dean & I all the time. We love them! This sounds good I'll have to try it.


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