Wednesday, February 12, 2014

my [somewhat] normal day

today was the first day the kids have had a full day of school in what feels like f.o.r.e.v.e.r!  

it was so sweet for this momma!

i know this picture is super ridiculous and you can't see the beauty i can, but....

i just love this stretch of road.  
it takes me into town from our house.  
the river is on the right and a beautiful hill covered in snow is on the left.  

i gasped at its beauty today.  

i wanted to slam on the brakes and use my big camera to take amazing shots. 
but i went to work-out instead.  i can't get enough of Ohio's beauty.

working out is my therapy.  i have missed it something awful.  
i do workout videos at home and lift my 10 lb barbells, but there is something about my workout class.  i just love it and have missed it so much since the weather has been so terrible.

after my workout i met my bestie for an amazing lunch.  Swiss onion soup and half a veggie wrap. it was a refreshing, yet warm lunch.

i ran a few errands and then the kids were home from school.

we did home work and ate granola and gummies.  then took baths and read books.  

i skipped the gummies and had a cup of coffee while putting conversation hearts into baggies for Layla's class party on Friday.

i ended the night with leftovers and a glass of white wine with frozen grapes for dinner.

it was a great day and i think we all enjoyed a bit of normalcy with school being back in session full force.  the kids missed their school friends!

let's hope the weather allows our great schedule to continue!

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