Wednesday, April 30, 2014

More Yogurt!!

Hayden begged me to take him for frozen yogurt since Layla and Daddy went on Sunday!

Coincidentally the new frozen yogurt place in town is right by Layla's tumbling studio, so while she was flipping around we got a cold treat!

I got cake batter yogurt and I also got salted carmel pretzel.  Mmmmm!  It was so good.  

Hayden also got cake batter and a flavor called tart.  He was making the funniest sour faces.  He ate every single bite of his yogurt.  He's a growing boy with a big appetite.  I was actually shocked, because he doesn't have a big sweet tooth.  I guess he was hungry from a long day at school.  I too ate every bite, but that isn't rare for me!  Mmmmm!  I love yogurt!

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