Tuesday, April 22, 2014

my new favorite chicken

I recently discovered a new slow cooker chicken dish and I have to share it.

I feel like maybe I'm the last to know about this recipe and that is OK, but I know one of the four people who read my blog will not have eaten this, so I'm sharing!!

You need:

2 cups of water
One packet of taco seasoning
One packet of ranch seasoning

I used 8 boneless skinless chicken tenders, but you can also use boneless skinless chicken breasts.

Place the chicken in the slow cooker.  In a separate bowl mix all the other ingredients and pour over the chicken.  Cook on low for 4 hours or until chicken is done!

I cook the chicken and shred it, but you don't have to.  You can eat whole chicken breasts cooked in this mixture.  It's just so good. The possibilities are endless!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. This is actually something I can cook & I have all the ingredients at home!!


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