Monday, May 26, 2014

a fun long weekend!

We started off the weekend with me losing my voice.  It was awful for me because I'm a talker, but I was ok by the time the weekend ended!

We grilled delicious homemade bacon cheeseburgers!

Layla and Gary made piggies and cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

We just gazed into the sky loving the sun shining on our faces!

Gary built the kids a rope swing!  The asked him for one in Texas, but we didn't have trees for a rope swing.  He was glad to create one here with our giant trees!

Hayden helped.

The kids swung for hours and hours.  I hope they love swinging all summer long.  I got on the swing for a few minutes and got dizzy.  I'm such a wiener in my old age.  I get motion sick within a few minutes.  Don't ever try to get me on a merry-go-round. Yuck!

Gary built a new fire pit, here is the before and after.  Hayden was helping dad with this while Layla and I were painting our barn door.  He impressed me with his brick hauling skills.  The boy can work!

I love the rustic look and it fits the old barn.  It isn't a perfect shade of red because you can see some of the wood through the red.  Perfectly imperfect in my opinion.

Our first bonfire was perfect including s'mores which are a family favorite!

We had two chairs outside the back of our garage just sitting there in the weather.  I've been thinking and thinking of what to do with them.  I kicked the nasty stained wet seats out and put flower pots in them.  I love the way they turned out.  There were two chairs one for the front yard and one for the backyard.

We managed to get in a round of putt-putt and headed to Wal-mart to pick out a new bicycle for Layla.

I think this one is perfect.  I'm partial to purple.  I love it.  She loves it too and her helmet even matches!

I enjoyed cooking for my family this weekend.  I made a fun pasta salad with Italian dressing and a bunch of veggies I found in the fridge.  I love summer salads!  I'm ready for a fun summer ahead and many more fun weekends with my people!

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