Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I had a great day with family and friends.

Gary cooked his first brisket since moving to Ohio.  He has been so busy with work and hasn't taken the time to smoke one.  It was so tasty!  I've missed it!  I made potato salad and beans too.  And of course deviled eggs.

The kids played outside all day long.  They will sleep great tonight!  The played in a giant inflatable ball.  It was so fun to watch them roll all around the yard!

Look how big this ball is?!?! 

I'm so blessed with great friends!

I'm also blessed with great kiddos.  I love this two munchkins more than they will ever know!

I splurged and made a cheesecake.  I mean all moms need cheesecake on their day right??!?

It is the first time I baked a cheesecake and it came out of the oven with no cracks!  Gary even commented on how pretty it was, and it tasted even better.  I was in my happy place Saturday preparing all the food for Sunday.  I miss making big fun meals.  We've been so busy running from game to event to event.  It was nice to slow down for the weekend and just rest and enjoy our yard.  I'm excited for the lazy days of summer approaching!

Happy Mother's Day!!

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