Friday, July 11, 2014

Layla is 9!!

Can you believe this sassy little sweetie is 9 today?!?!?!?

Her cake of choice this year is cookie cake.  She started off the morning in one outfit and then after she opened her gifts and blew out the candles she put on her new birthday gift...a sassy fun outfit with tie-died pants.

Daddy and daughter....oh how I love these two!

We went on a bike ride and then afterwards we headed to 7-11 for free Slurpee day because you know Layla shares her birthday with the convenience store 7-11.  It's a yearly tradition.

After our Slurpee's we hit the mall so LK could spend her birthday money.  She got an iPhone case, a kindle case, a fun pillow and some crazy big eyed creature she's been dying to purchase.  She's in heaven with all her new presents and her best friend got her and Hayden a memory book.  It is the cutest thing ever!

I love this girl and am so happy I am her momma.  I have the best job ever!

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