Sunday, August 31, 2014

Labor Day Parade

Our town kicked of the Labor Day weekend with a fun parade yesterday.

It was a nice day, but in the sun we were actually hot!

I haven't been hot much since moving from Texas to Ohio, so it wasn't too bad for me.

The kids weren't happy by the end of the parade.  It was a fun morning and we got tons of candy, but we were ready to have a big tall glass of water when we got home!   Happy Labor Day weekend!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Funday!

Layla and Hayden are out the door ...  for their first full week of school!  They only started last Wednesday, but so far they are both loving it.  I think once we get back into a full routine they will be great.  I know this week will be full of tired evenings and sleepy mornings, but soon the summer wildness will wear off and we'll be back into a fall routine!   I'm excited to see Layla and Hayden grow and learn this school year!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

we found 4 baby froggies!

This morning we found some baby frogs and the kids are loving them!

They are tiny and so cute!

We made them homes in insect cages.  We used rain water in medicine cups and we made a sandy floor.  The kids added sticks and rocks and their new homes were complete.

We'll only keep them for a few days to watch them.  It would be fun to keep them longer, but I have no idea how to raise frogs.  I think we'd hurt them more than we'd help them.  Hayden is a little rough with them at times.  It's been a fun day exploring the little creatures though.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

back to school!

Yay for back to school!

I now have a handsome first grader!

And a pretty fourth grader!

I am so excited to see what this school year brings!  I left the school with two very happy and excited kiddos.  I'm thankful they love school!! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

candy corn time and matching glasses

No, Layla didn't get glasses.  Yes she got glasses, but not prescription eyewear.  She saw these and HAD to have them.  She makes me laugh!  She loves them and wears them all the time.  They help her see better or so she says.  She's adorable.

Soooo, since she got fun glasses, I got a bag of my fall favorite candy!  Yesssssssssssssss, I started early this year, but a bag just jumped into my shopping cart.  They are so yummy!  Go get yours!!! 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

family golf day ~ single sentence saturday

We had a wonderful day yesterday golfing as a family!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Music in the Park

Gary is on vacation and we are getting to do so many fun family things!

I love my best friend!

After a fun family dinner at the Boathouse we headed to the park for a night of music by some very talented singers.

The Marietta Welfare League (I'm a member!!!) sponsors a weekly music show every Thursday in summer.   

It was a fun family night with great friends!

Our family is blessed with amazing friends that are kinda like our family here in Ohio.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

They grew in a week!

Gary got home last night from a 10 day businees trip to Sturgis.  We missed him so much!!!!!  He's a hard worker, this man of mine.  He gave big hugs and then asked to measure the kiddos.  He said they look taller.  I'm so happy he's on vacation this next week before school starts.  He needs a break from work and we need him to play with us the last week of summer!!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Getaway time!

The kids and I decided to join my bestie and her girls in her hometown for a few days.


We had a fun time with Erin and her girls and Erin's sister and her kids too.  Hayden finally had a few boys to play with.  We swam in the pool, ate great food, ran at the park and Erin and I even got away for a girls night out!  It was a fun getaway!!! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

i love my silly boy

So, I'm washing dishes, minding my own business and turn around to see this....

I don't know if I should feel afraid or safe. heeeheeehee!

Friday, August 1, 2014

summer lunch and park time

We are soaking up every bit of summer!

The kids picked Taco Bell for lunch and sat at their own table on the patio.  There was an big order of cheese rollups on that table. 

After lunch we went to a fun park in town and explored.  Us moms walked while the kids played and then we explored the pond and watched the geese play!

Summer rocks!