Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I have to be honest with you.  My favorite thing about my house here in Ohio is the yard.  I'm just not loving the older homes here.  I was so in love with my 6 year old 'new build' in Texas.  I'm dealing with the old and making it our home.  

Gary and I have made the outside an outdoor living area.  We enjoy being outside all the time!

The puppies love being outside too.  Daisy has her own chair and she makes herself quite comfy every day.  She loves being outside in the fall air.  Look at the tree in the background!  The leaves are starting to change colors.

Lily is a stinker and loves to gather and destroy sticks.  When she isn't barking at and chasing squirrels she is running and chewing up whatever sticks she finds on the ground.  We have giant walnut trees and they are losing nuts, leaves and branches.  Lily is a great helper when it comes to picking up sticks!

I have to toot my own horn here....  

I'm loving my ferns and will be so sad to see them die when winter arrives.  I have four nice sized ferns that I've babied all summer long.  They are thriving and I couldn't be more excited.  I've never been able to grow a fern, but I have now!!  Woo Hooo! 

I don't think I can keep them alive in the house all winter, not to mention they are ginormous and would take up tons of room in the house.

I see signs of winter every day and I am not ready for the cold to hit.  We are loving each and every moment we can be outside playing!

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