Friday, October 3, 2014

La La Layla

I think this is her serious face.  Gosh her eyes are gorgeous.  She's one pretty little chica! 
 I hope I can be as cool as her someday.

A few weeks ago Layla and I were swinging together and we broke the swing dad created.  Thankfully he fixed it again and she's back to swinging and decided to do a little stand up swinging.  She gets a wild streak every once in awhile, but she's a pretty conservative girl. 

It's safe to say Layla loves 4th grade.  They are switching classes and she has 4 different teachers.  It's a bit different than third grade and she's learning to be more independent.  Last year she was elected to be a peer mediator.  She gets to go to recess with younger kids and listen to their problems and she helps solve drama that may arise on the playground.  She's loving it so far!

She got a fresh haircut and loved her spa time.  She loved having her hair washed and styled.  I just can't believe she is getting to be such a grown up little lady.  People fail to mention when you have babies that they grown up. Gahhhhhh!

I love this last picture of my girl.  It reminds me of when she was a baby.  She's such a sweet girl and I am so proud of her.  She has at least an hour or more of homework each afternoon and she is taking it all in stride.  She doesn't complain one bit.  As I mentioned earlier, she's pretty neat and I'd love to be like her someday!

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