Sunday, December 14, 2014

a girl brunch and elf painting

Layla's new friend Aislin and her mom invited us to a girls day out!

We had brunch at a fun breakfast restaurant downtown and the girls had a gift exchange.  I was happy to meet a few more moms and talk about the school and our neighborhoods.

After brunch we went to a fun painting studio and the girls got a step by step tutorial on how to paint an elf.  It was so fun and right up Layla's alley.  She's a lover of arts and crafts, so painting was a perfect artsy activity for her.

She had to dry the paint so she could add to the elf!  I loved this place so much and I want to go paint something someday soon!

The finished product.  She looks so proud!!!  She did an amazing job.

I love seeing all the painters in the studio and how their elves turned out.  Each and every elf was different and showed the kiddos personalities.  Oh what fun!!!!

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