Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas 2014

On Christmas Eve we had a crab leg boil here at home.  It was yummmyyyy!

Christmas Eve night we all put on our traditional Christmas Eve pj's and played in the basement.  As you can see we played with balls. In our pants.  Dear Lord these kids are hilarious and keep us laughing non-stop.  Good thing we like to laugh huh?!?

Here is a picture of my sweet munchkins before bedtime.  They were soooo excited about Santa coming!!

Bright and early Christmas morning the kiddos couldn't sleep another second.

Layla got her first doll, named Layla.  It is so cute!  Hayden is in the background playing with his new Legos.  He's a creator, that boy!

Layla put together a fun Lego snowman.

Look how cute her new doll is!  She has pink highlights.

She even came with stylish clothes.  Layla loves her way more than any 'baby' doll she had when she was younger.  I think she'll actually play with this Layla doll.  We are on the look out for a pair of pajamas for mini Layla.  hahah! 

Here are my guys playing Legos in their pj's.  We all laid around in comfy clothes all day long.

The picture above is an awesome StarWars Lego space ship.  I would have gotten frustrated within the first 5 minutes trying to build this creation.

Look at our yummy Christmas breakfast.  It was so good and filling.  We had bacon and eggs and biscuits and gravy.  Oh and hashbrowns too.  My favorite.

We got fueled up for a long day of playing with all our new toys.  We had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas!

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