Thursday, December 11, 2014

cozy lights, Lily, itchy legs and festive drinks

I love this time of year.  

I love how cozy the house feels all lit up. 

 Lily seems to like Christmas time too. I love that my sweet little pup decided to smile at me for a picture in front of the tree.  She is wrecking my tree without even knowing it.  Our windows are basically from floor to ceiling and she is always looking out the window snooping on people.  Deer have been known to wander the streets and yards of our neighborhood and Lily loves to watch them all at the expense of our blinds and the Christmas tree.  There are pine needles ever.y.where. 

 And as I type this now I think I understand why Hayden's eczema is out of control....pine needles.

After a quick trip to the doc he seems to be better.  His allergies are ok, but his rash is awful. The worst it has ever been.  There is no doubt he is adjusting to this Georgia climate.

Along with the twinkling lights in my home I love the drinks of the season.

I am near a Starbucks again, so I have enjoyed drinking fru-fru coffee again.  Two years without Starbucks was a long time.  I didn't treat myself that often, but knowing I couldn't have it made me want it even more.

I drank the Chestnut Praline Latte and it was good.  It wasn't sweet at all and that to me was refreshing.  I can't do super sweet drinks in my old age. ;)

Champagne is an exception to the sweet drink rule. hahaha!   I tried an Apple Cider mimosa last night and it was so good.  Just pour some champs into a glass and add a splash or two of cider.  I loved it and drinking from a champagne glass is always fun!

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