Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Christmas Pj Parties (title by: Layla)

My all time favorite Christmas tradition for my family of 4 is getting new pajamas!

Last year we were in Ohio in our Devola farm house.

The year before we were in Ohio, but in our house downtown Marietta.

In 2011 we were in Texas at our home on Leather Strap Dr.  

There are many more pictures in this house!

Same house, smaller kiddos! 

In 2009 we were in the same house, but I just had surgery.  We all got new pj's and I only remember this Christmas because of pictures.  I was all drugged up!  Creepy kitty.  Yuck!

Still on Leather Strap and it was Hayden's first Christmas, but he got new pj's!

We were at Auntie and Donny Ray's on Christmas Eve 2007.  Layla and I got new pj's and I'm not sure why Gary isn't wearing his yet.  PS...I was pregnant with Hayden in this photo!

In 2006 we were snow skiing in Breckenridge Colorado.  
It was by far one of my favorite Christmas Eve's and we all got new pj's!

This was Layla's first Christmas and I'm pretty sure she got new pj's but we hadn't started our pajama tradition yet.  This picture was taken at my Aunt and Uncles house in Georgetown, Texas.

I just had to include this 2004 Christmas Eve picture.  My sweet first babies.  I miss those little furry creatures, but we have wonderful memories of spoiling them all the years of their lives.

Merry Christmas friends!

What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

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