Friday, January 30, 2015

a puppy dog coach of sorts.

I have been taking advantage of my free time when the kids are at school.  I've enjoyed having a basement with carpet.   I love working out every morning after I drop the kids off at school.  Working out is my time to think and reflect and wonder.  It's my free therapy.   I am ready for the weather to get warmer so I can run and walk outside with the wind in my face.  I've only done a run/walk  a few times since moving to Georgia. 

 I still can't believe we live in GA.  It seems like just yesterday I was doing Zumba/Boot Camp in Ohio with a group of fun girls,  Funny how life changes so fast.  I never would have thought looking back three years ago that today I'd be structuring my own basement workouts.  We didn't have basements in Texas.  We also didn't have our Lily Jack.  I'm thankful for our sweet Ohio dog I call my fitness coach.  She's always by my side while I'm working out!  She sometimes sleeps on the job, but there are many times when she is running up and down the basement stairs with me.  She's been known to lick the sweat from my arm.  She barks at the jump rope and watches when I ride the stationary bike.  She's my little coach and I love her to death.  I'm thankful for our Ohio adventure because we got to adopt this sweet pup! 

She is a huge blessing just like each and every friend and adventure we experienced in Ohio.   Some days I really miss the people there and other days I really miss Texas.  Honestly I'm so excited about what Georgia has in store for us.  I'm so filled with excitement about our new life here in Georgia.   We are all anxiously awaiting spring weather in our new house and new yard.  I can't wait to see spring at our new lakes!  I think we're all stoked about beginning soccer in a few weeks.  

All six of us are ready to be outside playing and getting our fitness on.  I honestly don't think I sweat in Ohio and I'm ready for some sunshine and flushed cheeks!

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