Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Funday!

We ventured out today to explore more of our new state. 

We had high hopes of doing tons of camping while living in Ohio, but it just never happened.  Gary worked so hard and his boss wasn't a fan of him taking time off, so he worked a ton and our camper just sorta sat there.

That won't happen here!  We have a lake very close and today we found multiple campsites we fell in love with.  Just being near the lake got our family all happy and ready for springtime and summer.  We will be some camping crazies as soon as the weather turns warmer!

Once we got our camping plans mapped out we drove to one of our favorite sporting goods stores about 16 miles away.  Both kiddos got new tennis shoes and Layla got shorts for soccer.  Yes, she is going to play soccer this spring, as will Hayden.   They are both excited and so am I!  We ended our outting at a BBQ restaurant near our house.  It was okay, but not as good as Gary's brisket.  The fried pickles were delicious though!  They had a side dish I'd never had before called fried corn.  They seasoned a cob of corn and lightly fried it.  We all loved it and I can't wait to try to dulpicate it here at home.  We had a funday Sunday indeed!

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