Sunday, February 8, 2015

spring fever and barefeet

When we lived in Texas I would get spring fever towards the end of February.

I would be ready for March to bring in warm and spring like temps.  This year after having lived in Ohio for the past two years, I am ready for Georgia to show me an amazing spring right now, not at the end of the month.  I want warm sunlight streaming through my kitchen window as soon as possible.  I saw the forecast though and it's going to be cold again this weekend and next week. :( 

We got a glimpse of AMAZING weather this weekend.  

I moved to Georgia with high hopes of warmth, but so far it's been cold.  Nothing like the Ohio cold, but still cold.  I keep reminding myself if I were in Texas it is cold there also.  It's cold all over the US right now.  That doesn't change the fact that  I can't wait to sweat again.  I got in the swimming pool 2 times when we lived in Ohio, because to me it never got hot enough to swim.  

I hope Georgia doesn't disappoint.  I have some high expectations.  Hahahaha!

Saturday we walked to the park to play.
{street walker selfie}

The kids were so excited to be outside running and cart-wheeling.

Look at those bare feet!  


Today we walked to the end of our street and down a nature path to the lake.  Yes, I said lake.  We are near lakes again.  In Ohio we were surrounded by rivers.  Now we have a lake really close to us.  I had no idea about this fun path until my neighbor told me about it.  It's amazing!

Right now the water level is very low, but soon they will open the gates and we will have water to splash and play in.  Lake access so close to home is a fun thing!

Hayden loved throwing rocks and sticks into the creek.  
We followed the creek all the way to the lake area.

All this area will be covered in water.  How cool!!

After our nature hike to the lake we decided to head to the park again.  We had hopes of kicking around the soccer ball, but the kids just wanted to run and stick their toes into the playground sand again like they did yesterday.  I can't blame them.  Soccer will be in full swing in a couple of weeks.  I'm happy they just want to relax.  

Dad and I enjoyed watching them play a fun game of tag!  We loved having the warm sun baking our skin.  I think this little bit of sunshine is enough to remind us of what is to come when spring has finally sprung here in our new state!

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