Wednesday, April 15, 2015

snappy ... our turtle for a day

Lily was pawing in the back corner of our yard yesterday before I picked the kids up from school.  She wouldn't come inside, so I wanted out to see her playing with a turtle.  Just Monday evening Layla mentione she'd love to have a turtle of her own, so I knew I had to catch this creature!

I scooped it up with a tupperware and  when the kids got home from school we created a habitat for what they called 'Snappy.'

Snappy is gigantic and we had hopes of keeping him/her, but dang what a boring life for a wild turtle.  We decided to let it go the next day.  It sure was a fun day having a turtle though.  The kids googled how to make a habitat.  They found out what turtles eat, and that they have to have an inch or so of water to potty in.  Anyway, how fun huh?!?  We're loving our wild kingdom backyard.  First birds and now a turtle.  I'm sure the turtle was making it's way down the creek bed to the lake.

Good bye Snappy, maybe we'll see you again soon!

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