Saturday, May 30, 2015

mini moto races

We love visiting dad at work.  (He's the director for a motorcycle company and he oversees the operations of 4 dealerships in the Georgia area)  We expecially love when their are fun events at work because we love to go see all the bikes in action!

I mean who wouldn't love a job in which you can wear shorts to work?!?  He's so spoiled.  He has the best job ever and I'm not even kidding. Plus, he's really good at it too!

Hayden loves to try out all the units.  He pretty much wants one of everything.  He informed us that he's almost 7 and he needs a dirt bike.  Honestly if it were up to Gary and Hayden, they would both have dirt bikes.  I'm the one that beggs them to wait.  UGGGHHH!  I've already been through a torn ACL due to Gary riding a dirt bike.  I'll have a coronary when Hayden starts riding, but I can't fight it forever. It's in these guys blood.  I'm good with just doing soccer!  ;)

Hayden is a Honda guy.  He's a fan of the red and white.  I'd love for him to get a Yamaha. I'm partial to the royal blue, and they did give us a pay check for a year or two once upon a time!

Watching the races was really fun.  The riders did a good job in the heat of the day.  They were even comical.  I loved watching them race the vintage bikes.

After the races we hung out with dad for a bit and this little lady in all her bossy-ness sat at dads desk for awhile.  She's so silly and would make a great CEO.  She looks like a natural huh?!?

After our long day of motorcycles we decided to cool off at the pool!  I'm thankful for a fun neighborhood pool for us to relax and see friends!

Happy weekend ya'll!

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