Thursday, May 14, 2015

My Obagi Journey

I'm a simple girl when it comes to skin care.  I don't wear foundation, but I love me some moisturizer.  I make my mother cringe. Why?  Because she is an aesthetician, a skin care professional.  I wash my face with Dove soap, I use a Loreal toner and a Loreal moisturizer with SPF 15.  Sometimes at night I take my makeup off with my favorite face wipes I buy at BigLots for one whole dollar.  $1.00!!!  Yes, cucumber scented pre-moistened wipes make me happy at night before bed, as does my anti-aging St. Ives night cream.  So, I'm on a pretty inexpensive skin care regimen.  I feel like I have been blessed with good skin.  I'm 38 years old for the next few weeks.  On April 24, 2015  

I saw this....

DO YOU SEE THAT SUN SPOT?  I had tons of them when I was pregnant with each kid.  Then they went away.  Well, I'm not pregnant friends.  I'm just getting old and I'm not having those little baby feet walking across my forehead. 

On Tuesday I started using a 6 step program made by Obagi.  I'm doing it and I'm writing about it because I want to show the results.  I want to make sure that when Layla goes back and reads our online scrapbook, this blog, she will remember to wash her face and put on sunscreen.  
Ain't nobody got time for bad skin.

As I approach my 39th birthday here in a few weeks I will be on my way to better skin.  My family blessed me with some of the Obagi products for Mother's Day and my upcoming birthday.  The only things I am asking for for my birthday are beach hats!! I want all the cute and fun hats and caps I can find.  I'm gonna be outside so much this summer, but I'll have my face under cover!

1 comment:

  1. You sound like me. Although I never had good skin. I had tons of breakouts & big pores. So annoying. I've tried lots of different things but it never occurred to me to be worried about sun spots & wrinkles. Really stupid on my part. I started using Rodan & Fields a few months ago & I can see a difference. I'll be 42 in October & I sure wish I would've started this routine sooner.


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