Friday, May 29, 2015

sweet summer!

The kiddos are so ready for summer time!  We are all going to love having a relaxed schedule.  We are looking forward to camping and going to the beach!

Today was the first day and we went to the pool and swam for a few hours.  Then Hayden rode his bike while Layla, Daisy and I walked.  After that we went to the park.  The kids played chase while I rested for 5 minutes.  


They're keeping me busy!  

I'm loving their ages and the fact that pool days are much easier for this momma the older they get.  Hayden needs a little help in the water, but in a few weeks he'll be swimming like a fish like his sister and I'll be bored at the pool.  I definitely have to find me some neighborhood pool friends!

Here's to a fun summer in GA!

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