Monday, June 8, 2015

this is a camping photo dump

This weekend was Lily's first camping trip.  She loved exploring and smelling all the smells.  She got 
herself into some trouble on Sunday morning.  She found a thorn, or some stinging nettle.  She was a mess for a good two hours.  We finally took her to the water and she was much better.

Breakfast is one of my favorite camping meals.  We took 18 eggs and a 3 pound sausage roll.  We still have sausage left, but we devoured the eggs.  At the last minute I threw cheesy grits into the camping bag and they were a huge success.  Layla requested avacado and they were a bit hit.  They always hit the spot with whatever we're eating!

Lily loved seeing the ducks and I think she would have chased them, so I'm glad she was on a leash!

Hayden had a fun time finding frogs.  That boy loves digging in the dirt.  He found so many frogs and caught lightening bugs too.  He's a nature lover!

Daisy seemed less than impressed to be camping this time.  She didn't like the leash she had to be on, but those are the rules!!  She mostly enjoyed curling up in her chair watching all the action.  Yes, she has her own camping chair.

My favorite dinner was beef fajitas.

Sunday morning Gary made the eggs and sausage and then he grilled a pineapple and that ended up being our favorite sweet treat, other than smores of course.

We indulged in fudge stripe s'mores.  Yum Yum.  We used Reese's, marshmallows and fudge stripes.  It was a delicious treat for the kiddos.  We enjoy getting creative with our s'mores!

Daisy wasn't a fan of the water, but Lily enjoyed walking around a little bit.

I honestly thought Lily would get in and swim like crazy, but she didn't.  She's cautious like her momma!  She licked the water and sniffed around.  She did end up swimming, but not too much.

I had Gary take one picture of me....see I really was there.  I'm always on the other side of the camera!  And as you can see, Hayden is exporing, as usual!

The kiddos enjoyed the sandy beach at our campground.  It was pretty private and we were all alone on Monday.  We had the whole beach to ourselves. 

We ended up taking our new floats out to the middle of the lake and hanging out with our friends who have a boat.  The kids loved lounging on this fun float.  They were in the water so much this weekend.  They really love the water like their daddy!

We have a stove top inside the camper, along with a shower, sink, toilet and air conditioner.  We decided we wanted to do mac n cheese the old fashioned way.  We boiled water and made up a little cheesy mac for the kiddos to go with our brats.

Monday we put the jet ski in for a few hours because the lake was so quiet.  I'm not a jet ski fan, so this was fine with me.  We played around for an hour or so and then we headed back to clean up and head out, back to our home.  

Lily did not want to go home.  She tangled herself in hopes we could stay forever!  She's a great camping dog!  We managed to have a wonderful and safe time.  Layla and Hayden each got a bloody knee, Daisy had a hurt paw for about 10 minutes and of course Lily was itching with something, but we had a great weekend and can't wait to go back soon. Whew, longest sentance ever!  

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