Saturday, July 4, 2015

happy fourth of july

Our bestie buddies drove in from Ohio to celebrate Independence Day!

First up.....the pool!

Look at that photo bomber!

The dads golfed and then they joined us at the pool!

The ice cream truck drove by and they partook!

Then we all cleaned up for dinner!

I ran into Becca at dinner.  It was sooooo nice to meet her!

We ate at Salt Factory, downtown Woodstock.  Erin and I got calamari and the guys got oysters.

I ended my dinner with a giant cheeseburger.  It was a great treat after a long day at the pool!


After a group picture it was back home for some sparklers.

And smoke bombs!

And snap pops.

I love this little firecraker.  She is growing up into such an amazing little lady!

We ended our awesome day with a fireworks show.  It was wonderful to share this day with our buddies!  Thanks for the weekend of sweet memories bestie family!

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