Wednesday, July 22, 2015

tagging along with dad

Gary has a dealership in Huntsville AL and we tagged along with him to swim in the hotel pool!

Along the way we stopped to check out the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro.  I didn't get the orange memo....the kiddos blended in with the sign!  It's hilarious.

We heard about the Unclaimed Baggage Center on the Today Show and since we were passing through we stopped to see if there were any great deals.  It was basically like a big yard sale.  Some things were great deals and others were over priced.  Honestly I just needed more time to shop, but I wasn't in a browsing mood that day, so we just skimmed around the store.  Gary found a cool watch and Hayden found a football.  We bought a few things and then headed back out on the road to Hunstville.

Layla is just looking so grown up.  She loved the hotel and its totally modern look, so she wanted to pose for a few pictures.  She's a good sport for letting me take some pictures.

Our kids love hotel stays.  They love exploring new places.

Hayden's poses lately are .... well.  I just don't know what to say.  He's a goof ball and doesn't want me taking his photo every 5 minutes.

I like hotel stays because I get to try out fun workout equipment.  I didn't get but about 20 minutes in, but hey, it's better than no workout!

The kids just lounged around and watched TV.  I would have loved to really workout, but they got bored and I get that, so we headed out to the pool for a swim.

Of course we visited dad at work and met all his coworkers.  Hayden climbs on whatever bikes or 4 wheelers he can.  He's itching to ride!!

We enjoyed trying a new restaurant when Gary got off work!  It was Mexican food and it was very delicious!

The kids and I had fun lounging around.  We dropped Gary off at work and when we stopped to get coffee Gary got them Starburst.  For breakfast.  Goodness gracious.  These two kiddos love them some candy.

We had a fun few days out with dad.  I'm glad the kids get to see where he works an what he does every day.  I think they get a better understanding of how hard he works and they get why sometimes he works so much.  We are thankful for our hard working man!!

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