Saturday, August 1, 2015

selfie stick fun

Layla got a selfie stick today and we're having so much fun with it.  I think I caught Gary mid-french fry, chewing!  We had a cheeseburger dinner at one of our favorite places and I thought we should selfie it!

We are loving having the Jeep top and doors off.  We could never cruise around Texas in a Jeep in August.  Georgia has a wonderful climate.  I get hot, but NOTHING like Texas heat.  I'm loving this state!

After dinner we decided to bust out the 'props' that came with the selfie stick.  There are tons of hats and lips and glasses to play with.  I love Layla's new toy!

 We had a fun weekend of  normalcy.  We have been so busy and the whole month of July felt like a whirlwind.  I still can't believe school starts Monday.  Yes, August 3rd!  It's crazy early, but we get a fall break, Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, a winter break and also spring break.  I think starting early is ok after knowing we can enjoy a few extra weeks off here and there!

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