Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday was a funday indeed

We had a fun fall Sunday.  We had a fire to end the day and Hayden decided to protect his head with his motorcycle helmet.  His feet, legs and arms are all bare, but the face is all good. LOL!  

Silly silly boy!

We went to the park and the kids took a pretty deflated soccer ball to kick around.  They ended up playing volley ball and Layla screamed out, "pass interference!!"  Oh me oh my, the children are funny today huh?!?

We ran off some much needed energy!  

I'm going backwards in picture order.  We had cheeseburgers for lunch.  We took a drive and were hoping to find a hidden gem of a burger spot on the back roads of Georgia, but we struck out.  We ended up downtown for a late lunch/early dinner.  We tried a cheeseburger place we have been curious about since we moved here.  

Let me start by saying the food was great.  The fries were crispy and the burger was very delicious.  

I was annoyed by the cleanliness of the restaurant though.  The bathroom was a wreck and we had to ask for toilet paper and the teenager we asked was just rude.  I told her bathroom didn't have toilet paper and she said, "ok!"  She kept on doing whatever she was doing.  She wasn't concerned about TP at all.  When we went to order our food., the boy behind the counter was not helpful at all and it was our first time to eat there.  He wasn't in the mood to answer questions about the menu and in his defence it is a cheeseburger, how do you mess that up?  BUT come on, have some personality.  Anyway, the tables were all dirty and Gary and I were just plain ole disappointed.  We had higher expectations ya know. We just need to open a restaurant!  We'd love it!

After we ate our burgers on the patio we headed to the cupcake shop a few shops down the street.  They were out of cupcakes.  LOL!  We pretty much struck out downtown today, but it's all good.  We still had a fun time.    

After sleeping in we started off our day with coffee by our first fire.  We decided to light a fire to warm up because we had a frost warning.  IT was chilly indeed and we loved it.  As you can see below, Daisy loved it too.  She's such a little ham-bone, posing like a movie start princess puppy!

I'm thankful for a fun Sunday with all my people and furry animals.  I don't take a second of life for granted.  I am thankful and I know I am truly blessed!

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