Tuesday, November 10, 2015

one day in our life

I instagrammed an entire day and it was a lot of work.  I enjoy browsing instagram, but actually posting all day is time consuming.  It will be fun to look back at our day a year from now though, so I'm glad I took the time to do it.  I wanted to share it here too!

My alarm goes off at 6:10 every morning.  I don't get up until about 6:20 though!

We get breakfast served and lunches packed and then we sit with the kids until it's time to go to school.

The kiddos get dropped off at 7:20 and then we head home to grab a cup of coffee before Gary heads to work.

The pups settle down for their morning naps.

I had to write a quick note to a friend I'm sharing oils with, so I took the time to write this while Gary showered.

I made him an egg sandwich and packed his lunch and off he went to work.

I grabbed a protein drink and sat down for some devotional time while reading.

Then it's off to the basement to workout.

Once my workout was all done I showered and did my hair and face.

I have an oil station, if you will, in my bathroom and I made up the oils I'm sharing.

Before I headed out to lunch I put a load of laundry in the wash and folded a load,

I ate a yummy Greek salad at Panera and had some girl time!

Then it was off to Kroger to grab a few items and head home to wait for the kiddos to get off the school bus.

It's been raining here for DAYS, so I snapped a picture of the sky at a stop sign!

I walked in the door and let the pups outside and someone had barfed on the couch, so I got to clean that up!  yuck!

I put dinner in the slow cooker!

And then it was 2:30 and the kids ran home from the bus stop!

We did all their homework and read for 20 minutes.

I was hungry again and while the snacked I also snacked.  I had sliced chicken and celery with hot sauce and  leftover sweet potato.

I have decided that I need to up my calories because I am not losing fat the way I'd like to since I've been lifting weights.  I upped the calories and protein and I'll start eating more tomorrow.  Hopefully this will feed my muscles more and help banish the flap!  It's worth a try and I like food! ha!

We all just laid around for a bit waiting for Gary to get home from work.

We had cream cheese chicken with saffron rice, cauliflower and baked beans.

Lily Jack wanted some food.

After dinner we all just sat around and solved the worlds problems until Hayden had to get into bed.

Layla stays up a tad bit later than Hayden.

Then we rubbed her feet with Thieves oil and tucked her into bed by 8:30.

Daisy Mae fell fast asleep while we were picking out a TV show to watch.

We settled in for our shows and I got myself a handful of candy corn!

We finally decided to hit the hay around 11:00 so we can get up and do it all over again tomorrow!

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