Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Netsie and DeDe were here

We enjoyed a visit from my parents this week.  They drove 12 hours on Christmas Day to visit with us for several days.

They came with gifts for the children.  They got guns!  Layla was appreciative, but doesn't understand the whole gun thing.  I was the same way as a little girl.  Hayden was thrilled and ready to go shoot!

The weather was perfect the entire time they were here.  It was crazy December weather!  We spent a lot of time outside on the porch and even had several bonfires.


DeDe learned all he wanted to know about the Wii U.  They played tons of games of bowling, golf and tennis.  I think DeDe wants his own Wii now!

As always we took them to our favorite Mexican food spot.  It was very enjoyable and we stuffed ourselves full of good food and Texas Margaritas.  

Baylor played in a bowl game and my mom wore an LSU shirt.  She's lucky she got to stay in the house.  My dad is a huge Tech fan and LSU played Tech that same day.  So ..... mark this down as the year she brought the wrong shirt.  It was funny!

My parents always get lovin' from our dogs.  Lily was gazing at DeDe!  It was so cute and of course Daisy followed him around the whole time he was here.  They threatened to steal her from us.  No way Jose!

My parents gave us a popcorn popper for our basement.  What a wonderful gift.  We are so thankful!  We have made popcorn every day since we got it.  We have finally mastered the arrt of popping yummy corn.  When I say we, I mean Gary.  I need to pay attention in case I want popcorn for lunch one day when he's at work.  HAHA!

Layla is so focused in this picture.  I just had to post it!

Thank you for the fun visit Netsie and DeDe!!

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